SMART IRON Strength Training


Health & Fitness


Relationship Between Repetitions and Strength Qualities: • Relative Strength: 1-5 repetitions; • Functional Hypertrophy: 5-8 repetitions; • Hypertrophy: 8-12 repetitions; • Strength Endurance: 12-25 repetitions.Almost all people are genetically unique, so creating a universal gym workout program that suits everyone is practically impossible. If you look at the training plans of some professional bodybuilding athletes, you’ll notice how straightforward they are. However, this doesn’t mean that these plans are perfect. It simply indicates that these athletes are genetically gifted and can achieve results with relatively simple workout programs. The bulk of people have to train in gym much harder to get results.Our gym training programs are built on the principles of progressive overload and periodization of the training process. They may seem excessive to some, but we’ve aimed to make them as versatile as possible. We want to emphasize that the only way to determine if they suit you is to try them out.Since the app’s algorithm automatically calculates and cycles the load, you no longer need to worry about how many sets and repetitions to do today or what weight to use for a specific exercise.How to Use: • You can skip the preparatory period if there hasn’t been a significant break in your training; • Always warm up at the beginning of your workout, for example, with 15 minutes of cardio; • Perform a warm-up set at 50% of your working weight before each exercise; • Do the last set to failure if you can and have someone to back you up if you need it; • Cool down with stretching at the end of your workout; • If you find it challenging, consider the following: - Reduce the weight by 10RM (repetition maximum); - Increase the rest interval between workout days (use periodization settings for convenience); - Disable progressive overload; • If needed, take a weekly break between training cycles.Workout Programs3-Day Training PlanThis basic training plan aims for a harmonious development of fundamental strength qualities, including muscle mass gain, overall strength, and strength endurance. The plan divides strength qualities development periods into mesocycles, which are further broken down into microcycles using undulating load periodization.2-Day Training PlanDesigned for individuals who cannot train three times a week but still need to maintain their fitness level. If your goal is maximum effective strength development, consider using the 3-day training plan.8-Week Fat-Burning Workout PlanDeveloped for highly effective fat burning (cutting). Since extreme weight loss can lead to muscle loss along with fat, this program alternates fat-burning workout days with strength training days to protect muscle mass. You can use this plan independently or as the final mesocycle of the 3-day training plan. If your goal is gradual weight loss, prefer the 3-day training plan and a proper diet.